To correlate microarray data with the promoter site consensus sequence for a specific transcription factor. 找出微阵列资料与特定转录因子的促进子共识序列之间的相互关联性。
In this article, the research topics of engineering proteins for thermostability, including rational design, directed evolution and consensus sequence method, are compared with each other. 比较了蛋白质耐热工程重点研究的合理化设计、定向改造和一致序列法等方法,并提出了将来的研究趋势。
New Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Algorithm and Consensus Alignment for Multiple Sequence Alignment 基于蚁群算法与中心比对算法的多序列比对研究
Establishment of consensus sequence of pres of hepatitis B virus genotype B in Nantong City 南通地区B型乙型肝炎病毒PreS基因参照序列的建立
A novel parallel algorithm for DNA sequence assembly under the distributed memory environment is presented in this paper. The serial processing procedure and parallel algorithm for OVERLAP, LAYOUT and CONSENSUS of the DNA sequence assembly are described respectively. The complexity of the algorithm is analyzed. 针对分布式存储环境,本文提出一种DNA序列拼接的并行算法,分别对序列拼接中OVERLAP、LAYOUT和CONSENSUS阶段的串行处理过程和并行算法进行了描述,并给出了算法复杂性分析。
Since the pattern of MMP-26 expression mimicked that of ER-α, we searched the promoter region and found a sequence at position-130 to-116 had high homology to the consensus sequence of an ERE. 由于MMP-26表达模式和ER-α相似,我们对MMP-26启动区域进行分析,发现-130~-116位点间的序列与公认的ERE高度同源。
Repetitive DNA sequence is an important component in bacterial genomes, and ERIC ( Enterobacterial Repetive Intergenic Consensus)( IRU) ( Intergenic Repetive Unit) sequence is a kind of intergenic repetitive sequence found in enterobacterium. 重复DNA序列是细菌基因组中的一个重要组成部分,而ERIC(IRU)序列是在肠道细菌基因组中发现的一类基因间重复序列。
P1, P2 were designed according to the consensus sequence of phytase gene. 根据植酸酶基因的保守序列设计引物P1、P2,从云芝中分离克隆植酸酶基因的片段。
The nuclear 18S rRNA gene region was amplified by PCR using a consensus primer set and its nucleotide sequence was determined by PCR direct sequencing. 方法:采用PCR直接测序技术测定高原鼢鼠18SRRNA基因核苷酸序列并作序列特征分析。
The repetitive consensus sequence of Enterobacteriaceae genome PCR ( ERIC-PCR) was carried out for DNA typing of clonal strains in order to analyze the homology. 肠杆菌科基因组内重复一致序列聚合酶链反应(ERICPCR)进行克隆株的DNA分型,确定同源性。
The ENF peptide family, so termed after the consensus sequence in their amino termini ( Glu-Asn-Phe-), is assumed to play multiple important roles in defense reactions, growth regulation, and homeostasis of Lepidopteran insects. ENF肽家族具有保守的N末端结构(Glu-Asn-Phe-)。该家族成员肽大多具有重叠功能活性,在鳞翅目昆虫的免疫反应,生长调控和自体调节等方面都发挥着重要的作用。
Establishment of the consensus sequence of hepatitis B virus prevailing in the mainland of China 乙型肝炎病毒中国株全基因参照序列的初步建立
Initially, atRA activates a heterodimer RAR/ RXR, which further recognizes and binds to retinoic acid receptor response element ( RARE) consensus sequence, thereby activating or repressing target gene transcription. AtRA可激活异二聚体RAR/RXR,后者通过识别和结合维甲酸受体反应元件(RARE),进而引起靶基因的转录激活或转录抑制。
The method of PCR for detection of infectious ectromelia ( Ect) virus was established by a set of consensus sequence primers. 根据正痘病毒属血凝素基因保守区设计了一对引物,建立了鼠痘病毒的聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测法。
At last the multiple alignment is obtained by the order of fragments in the contig, thereby forming a consensus sequence. 最后按照该全序列片段顺序进行序列多重联配,得到全序列。
Objective To establish of consensus sequence of PreS/ S and EnhII/ CP/ PreC of HBV with subtype C/ adqr+ in Chongqing of China. 目的建立重庆地区基因型C/血清型adrq+HBV流行株PreS/S、EnhII/CP/PreC基因标准参照序列,为HBV变异的研究奠定基础。
The analysis of consensus sequence, genetic distance and phylogenetic tree were conducted with GCG software. 用威斯康星GCG软件进行共享序列、基因离散率的计算和毒株的聚类分析。
Methods HPV L1 gene fragment in cervical cancer tissue was amplified by HPV-specific PCR with consensus primers, and typing of the HPV strains was performed on the basis of sequence analysis of the PCR product. 方法采用HPV通用引物对宫颈癌标本中的HPVl1区基因序列进行PCR扩增,根据PCR产物序列分析对HPV分型。
While the C-terminal of the choline kinase contained a phosphotransferase consensus sequence, which was presumed to be involved in catalytic function. 另一个C端则含有磷酸转移酶的相同序列,估计与催化功能相关。
The consensus sequence in all lipase primary structures is Gly X 1 Ser X 2 Gly, which is more conserved in fungi. 所有脂肪酶一级结构中都包含GlyX1SerX2Gly保守序列,在真菌脂肪酶中该序列更保守;
MSKs do not have a precisely defined substrate consensus sequence; however, they do have a preference for a basic cluster prior to the phosphorylated residue. MSK1与其底物并没有精确的共有序列,但却对磷酸化的残基具有优先性。
The protein sequence deduced from the extracellular lipase structural gene contained the lipase consensus sequence ( G-X-S-X-G) and three conserved putative N-glycosylation sites. 推导氨基酸序列含有脂肪酶的保守序列(G-X-S-X-G)和3个推测的N-糖基化位点。